Hydraulics and Pneumatics Magazine
Gender parity - a key turning point for the manufacturing talent shortage?
Published:  24 May, 2023

“To attract and retain talent, organisations need to be increasing the visibility of female leaders and promoting gender inclusivity across all levels of the organisation, particularly to create supportive and inclusive environments where females feel encouraged and supported to work.”

Further solutions outlined in the white paper gear more towards opening the doors early in stem careers, by encouraging and enhancing opportunities for females through apprenticeship schemes in prominent companies.

Emily says, “Apprenticeship schemes are a fantastic way to open doors early for women at the start of their stem careers, as well as involve organisations in a progressive change towards gender parity.”

“We are proud at MSP to be able to offer prospective engineers comprehensive apprenticeship schemes and clear mentorships, with 50% of our current apprentices female. However, we recognise the work that still needs to be done within the industry overall in order to tackle the talent shortages and open up inviting employment opportunities.”

