Hydraulics and Pneumatics Magazine
Get ready for the return of our industry's main event next April
Published:  27 September, 2017

 Air-Tech 2018 - exhibitor taster

Just some of the exhibitors that have already signed up for Air-Tech 2018 include:


At Air-Tech, Factair will be displaying its range of breathing/compressed-air systems and instruments, including its new F8000 range of test instruments. These instruments, available in portable or continuous monitoring versions, are suitable for testing to breathing, medical and surgical air standards. For compressed-air service engineers, Factair also offers a range of point-of-use test instruments; including the F4500, which utilises Draeger chemical reagent tubes, and the F6000 range, which features electronic sensors, and an oil test port for the Draeger Impactor. To filter compressed-air to breathing-air, the company will be exhibiting the Safe-Air cabinets and trollies; including options for CO and CO2 suppression.


Supervane is a provider of tough, reliable and efficient carbon vanes replacements used in vacuum pumps manufactured by Becker, Elmo Rietschle , Busch and Orion. The company does this with the high quality expected of the OEM products, together with the benefit of low prices. Supervane comments that there are a number of non-genuine carbon vane suppliers today that offer low-performance, low-quality carbon vanes. Supervane remarks that its performance tests show that these 'budget vanes' can not only cause pumps to run at above normal temperatures, but can also cost users more in the long run. In comparison, adds the company, Supervanes performed at or near the levels of the OEM vanes in terms of wear, and at normal operating temperatures. With these performance results, and using the OEM 'MSRP', the calculated savings are approximately 33% (Becker) and 27% (Elmo Rietchle).