Hydraulics and Pneumatics Magazine
Ecoplant partners with Atlas Machine to bring green IoT solution to US factories
Published:  14 September, 2020

Ecoplant, provider of industrial IoT solutions for optimising compressed air systems, has partnered with Atlas Machine & Supply Inc, a Kentucky-based distributor and service provider of industrial air compressors and related products, to bring Ecoplant’s advanced technology to US factories. Armed with US$8 million raised as part of a Series A funding round, Ecoplant aims to help companies become greener and produce more effectively.

Some 90% of factories use air compression, but they often experience drops in pressure, air leaks, and equipment breakdowns, as well as significant loss of time and money in delayed response and unplanned production downtimes. According to the US Department of Energy, 50% of the energy for air compression is wasted due to leaks and other inefficiencies, costing companies hundreds of thousands of dollars per factory every year.

Ecoplant’s SaaS solution continually monitors and dynamically controls air compressors through a connection to their controllers and pipeline sensors. The solution enables managing either individual compressors or the entire system under changing conditions, such as shifts in production and compressed air consumption. The predictive Artificial Intelligence (AI) engine uniquely optimises energy consumption and is claimed to offer up to 30% in energy saving and reduce unplanned production downtime by 50%.


According to Ecoplant, its solution is system-agnostic, meaning it can integrate with any compressor’s technology or brand. As such, the solution is compatible with more than 100,000 factories in the US and Europe. This partnership with Atlas Machine gives Ecoplant access to more than 3000 factories across the Midwest. Currently, Ecoplant’s system is deployed in a few dozens of factories in the USA, Europe, and the Middle East and services leading brands such as Ecolab, Danone/Strauss, Nestle, Sano, Polycad and Elbit.

Aviran Yaacov, CEO, and co-founder of Ecoplant, comments: “With their team’s deep experience in the US compressed air market, extensive network, and comprehensive offering, Atlas stands as an ideal partner for us. While we are starting with compressed air, our vision is to move into chillers and pumps, as well as offer a full suite of utility resource planning tools.”

Richard Gimmel III, president of Atlas Machine, adds: “Partnering with Ecoplant is an exciting opportunity for us. Compressed air is a critical, and often overlooked, aspect of every manufacturing facility. Ecoplant’s IoT solution combined with Atlas’s decades of experience in compressed air provides an opportunity to solve the emerging challenges of the industry in new ways. We really do see this product as becoming a staple in each and every manufacturing facility in the future.