Hydraulics and Pneumatics Magazine
Published:  24 April, 2020

Over 75 years PCL reports it has developed the most comprehensive range of UK manufactured couplings, covering all requirements, from the standard Airflow for fixed applications, Vertex for trailing hose and XF-Euro for increased airflow, to common industry interchanges and safety couplings.

PCL says its core lines of couplings – Airflow, Vertex and XF-Euro – are now manufactured with a distinctive blue silicone band to define them as genuine “Made in Sheffield” products.

The thickness of the couplings has increased to neatly house the blue band, so not only is the new design extremely stylish, it also enhances what is already an incredibly durable, fail-safe product.

t: 0114 248 2712

e: sales@pclairtechnology.com

w: www.pclairtechnology.com

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