Hydraulics and Pneumatics Magazine
Smart Industry Conferences launched
Published:  15 January, 2019

The newly launched Smart Industry series of Conferences: Demystifying the jargon: How to make the digitalisation transition will address and unravel the vast array of conflicting information around 4IR, discussing the practicalities, technologies and issues surrounding transition and implementation of digitalisation in manufacturing across key market sectors in clear and concise language.

Digitalisation presents huge opportunities for British manufacturing over the next decade. However in the UK there is an enormous information vacuum, and many SMEs need urgent guidance in clear and concise language in order to prepare for this transformation, so as not to be left behind their global competitors.

Therefore the conferences’ main aim is to provide a practical, jargon-free opportunity to those starting out on the digital transformation process, to experience a complete smart roadmap, highlighting the incremental stages of the 4IR journey covering all aspect of the digital transformation.

Aimed at the drivers of UK manufacturing SME’s, each Smart Industry Conference will uniquely focus on sector specific issues in Food & Drink; Automotive; and Aerospace sectors.

Speakers with practical experience of introducing a digitalisation strategy will provide a fascinating and clear-cut insight into the issues facing our industry now, using real life case study examples.

Smart Industry Conferences are organised by DFA Media Ltd, market leaders in publishing and events in the automation, smart manufacturing, motion and control, engineering, technology, and maintenance sectors.

Smart Industry Conference dates:

Food & Drink

22nd May 2019

National Conference Centre, Birmingham


12th September 2019

Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre, (MTC), Coventry


6th November 2019

The Bristol Hotel, Bristol

For further information please contact: stuart.humphrey@dfamedia.co.uk or visit www.smartmachinesandfactories.com