Hydraulics and Pneumatics Magazine
Published:  09 August, 2018

Untitled.pngFILTERTECHNIK’S Particle Pal Life offers particulate and water contamination monitoring along with remaining oil life determination. The company says this revolutionary product offers unrivalled oil analysis in a portable case along with a full accessory case containing all the equipment necessary to obtain and prepare oil samples for testing.

Particle Pal Life gives engineers the information they need to change oil on condition and not on a timed basis. Spot oil degradation early or extend oil service intervals according to actual oil condition rather than guesswork. With a list price of £8,250 the Particle Pal Life is said to be revolutionising portable oil analysis.

t: 0800 0087 456

e: sales@filtertechnik.co.uk

w: www.filtertechnik.co.uk